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Archive for November 11th, 2008

Where’s The Off-Switch For My Brain?

Posted by Daniel on November 11, 2008

Had another bout with “Busy Mind Syndrome” this past week. If you’re not familiar with this condition, then yeah for you.

For those who don’t know, “Busy Mind Syndrome” is a condition I invented (in my always-busy mind…ironic, huh?) to describe those nights I just can’t seem to get any sleep.

I could hit myself over the head with a hammer, and my mind still wouldn’t shut off long enough to drift to sleep.

Mind you, this isn’t something I would want to actually try…just seems an awful waste of a good hammer.

It’s bad enough dealing with the daily (hell…HOURLY) stress of A.D.H.D. But at night it takes hours for me to douche the day out of my head in an effort to enjoy beddie-bye time.

Yeah, there are pills and stuff I could take. Been there, tried them all. Warm milk? Done that…and, um, ewwwwwww!!! Sleepy-Time tea…C’mon, I ain’t THAT gay!!!

So I am trying to sleep the other night and, as is usually the case, my mind is racing in a billion directions and won’t shut the hell up. So I throw myself out of bed in a huff (not a pretty scene, trust me) and trudge my tired ass here to the PC. I figure since I can’t sleep, I’ll just try reorganizing the zillions of files stored here. With any luck, I’ll pass out from utter boredom. Sure, I’ll wake up with the keyboard wedged to my face, but it’s a small price to pay for REM sleep.

Didn’t happen.

I’ve never seen the files on this PC look so put together. Only it did nothing to calm my brain down.


Well, might as well put this shit to some creative use. Then I come up with an idea. Not so much for sleep (figures), but I have always wanted to create a visual interpretation of the inner workings of this now-cranky cranium.

Behold, the inside of my brain…

Daniel's Overworked Mind


And there you have it.

I’m going to bed now…again. See you all online in an hour.

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