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Archive for August 9th, 2007

This Ain’t No Crowded House

Posted by Daniel on August 9, 2007

Training for the Special Olympics (the face is Aubrey’s)Wow…I can really tell how busy I’ve become when I receive emails asking “Where the hell have you been?”. I’ll admit, finding the time to post in the past week has been a challenge, but hey, moving someone into your home can be time-consuming.

Seth is settling in and except for the fact that he’s still in that tiptoeing around phase, is adjusting quite nicely. It’s actually kinda funny watching him mill about around here…like a puppy wanting to explore, but looking like someone just moved his food dish.

For those who have asked, you can find a bit of background here, here, and here.

And yes, I did drive 755 miles each way to West Virginia. Alone. And will never do that again!!

The weird part is, when I drove down there, I’d had ample sleep before, I left at 6:30 AM (our time) and arrived in WV at 8-ish (their time). And still managed to go out to their one and only gay bar (and I use the term lightly) that night. The trip back, however, was an experiment in terror.

The original plan was for me to come back home with the truck loaded down with Seth’s belongings (most of them, anyway) on Sunday. So he and I went to those places where they were currently being stored for him. As it turned out, 99% of that was enough kitchen ware to harden Emeril’s nipples. All of this he decided to leave for his sister to have some huge kitchen/garage sale. We then packed up the rest of what he had. While he was doing this, I was half-assed joking around with him as to why he doesn’t just come home now. And the more I thought about it, the less sense waiting three more weeks seemed to make.

So, in my usual fashion, I began to drive the point home to him. Getting nowhere fast, I decided to pull out the big guns…I got Steve on the phone so that we could tag-team his ass. It took us two more hours – Seth packing, listening, thinking, worrying, over-thinking and Steve on my cell phone relaying his thoughts while I was playing translator – but we finally convinced him there was, indeed, no time like the present. He agreed.

To Seth’s credit, there really was much for him to process. He wanted to finish out his two-weeks’ notice at work, plus he wanted to give his family and friends even more time to absorb the fact that he was, indeed, serious about the move he’d been planning for years. Then he realized that the world is a smaller place these days and it wasn’t as though he was a world away from them. Internet, cell phones, email, short plane rides to and from.

Anyways, now that he was coming home early (still nervous as a French whore on nickel night) I was happy to know that I was not traveling back home alone. So, on Sunday, we packed up the truck, said our goodbyes and hit the road…at 8 PM. Yeah…13 hours of driving, mostly at night, through countless rainstorms, crappy construction in every major city between there and here, and yes, getting lost not once but twice. (stupid detours!!)

I must say that I really wish I’d had a bit more sleep before the trip back. It was so damn hard staying alert for such a long drive. Yes, I pulled off the interstate at gas stations, whether I needed gas or not, just for a stretch and to wake up. I tried blasting the MP3 player just for the noise. I tried like hell to make Seth keep yammering to me. All in a futile effort to stay ‘awake’. We just wanted to get home…as fast as possible. I even tried eating to stay alert. Frito’s (a personal fav), beef jerky (gawd it was awful!!), peach flavored gummy rings (yummy, but hardly Red Bull), oh yeah, and I even tried Red Bull.


It wasn’t until we got to Columbia, Missouri, that we really started waking up and gabbing about a gazillion topics and plans and blah-blah-blah. The nearer we got to Blue Springs, the more perky we both got. I’ll tell you, when I saw “Blue Springs – Next Three Exits“, I swear my nipples nearly crashed through the windshield.

Long story short (tee hee), we made it home safely. Now we’re in room swapping mode. My office will be his room…My room will be my room/office. It’s a good thing I’m a little person.

So, this weekend, we’re going furniture shopping to furnish Seth’s room.

This ends the latest update on Seth’s big move. More to come as more weird shit happens.

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